Theaterpreis des Bundes 2021

©Eva Raduenzel

In 2021, Professor Monika Grütters, then Minister of State for Culture, awarded the Theaterpreis des Bundes to small and medium-sized theaters in Germany for the fourth time. Digital storytelling, contactless audience acquisition and pandemic aesthetics the award ceremony in 2021 placed a special emphasis on dealing with the coronavirus pandemic and honored those theatres that demonstrated particular creativity during the lockdowns. 

A recording of the award ceremony can be viewed here: 


The selection jury appointed by the Minister of State for Culture in 2021 included:

  • Elisabeth Bohdedirector Theaterwerkstatt Pilkentafel Flensburg
  • Marie Buesdirector and artistic director Theater Rampe Stuttgart
  • Sophie Diesselhorsttheater critic for
  • Roland H. Dippeltheater critic for Die Deutsche Bühne
  • Dorte Lena Eilerstheater critic and editor-in-chief Theater der Zeit
  • Mazlum Nergizauthor, dramaturge
  • Dorothee Starkepresident INTHEGA

A recording of the symposium is available here: 

Traveling exhibition: Theaterpreis beyond the metropolises

Following the 2021 Theaterpreis des Bundes, the ITI organized a travelling exhibition that was on display in nine of the most recently awarded theaters in the spring and summer of 2022. Under the title “Dialogue and debate, transformation and strengthening theater work beyond the metropolises,” the exhibition attempted to give an insight into the work of the award-winning theaters in a small space and to make tangible the understanding of theater work as dialogue. 

The Theaterpreis des Bundes was awarded in 2021 by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. The project sponsor was the Zentrum Bundesrepublik Deutschland des Internationalen Theaterinstituts e.V. (ITI).