Category Private Theaters & Theaters Hosting Guest Performances 2023

Chamäleon Theater Berlin

© Jana Kiesser

Jury statement

“The spearhead of a dynamic development in the performing arts that transcends existing boundaries between genres and forms of theatre: Like no other theatre in the heart of Berlin, the Theater Chamäleon stands for the further development of circus, from noveau cirque to contemporary circus, which unfolds its artistic and audience potential in such a way that old questions about underground or electronic culture, subculture or high culture, fixed or free are sublimated into physically palpable aesthetic energy. The theatre’s treatment of its resident artists during the pandemic was particularly exemplary: despite 18 months of closure, unpredictable conditions and no financial security, the Chameleon turned this time into a new start in terms of content and an artistic incubator for itself, including social security for the international companies, new co-productions and residency programmes as well as an increase in accessibility and audience encounters.” – Jury statement
