Theaterpreis des Bundes 2021
HochX München
“HochX München is an independent performance venue that puts on an impressive program in a small space and on a tight budget, while promoting both Munich-based and non-Munich-based artists and forging new alliances. The Germany-wide network AYŞE X Staatstheater was founded at HochX. The video production of the dance production “Scores that shaped our friendship” by Lucy Wilke and Paweł Duduś, which was invited to the 2021 Theatertreffen, was developed at HochX, which, under the direction of Antonia Beermann and Ute Gröbel, has stood for the spirit of optimism in Munich’s independent scene since 2016 – despite traditionally adverse conditions. It is also being awarded the 2021 Theaterpreis des Bundes for this, as a driving force and important networker for the independent scene as it evolves into a production house for Munich with supra-regional appeal.” – Jury statement