Theaterpreis des Bundes 2019

Ringlokschuppen Ruhr


“The Ringlokschuppen Ruhr is one of the most important independent production houses in Germany. Over the past 15 years, it has evolved from a socio-cultural venue that has always been home to theater to a fixed hub in the performing arts network. The following are representative of the wide range of important artists: kainkollektiv, andcompany&Co, Marta Górnicka, LIGNA, Boris Nikitin, Gintersdorfer/Klaßen and René Pollesch. The Ringlokschuppen’s program questions the hierarchies of theater and this always includes the social stage with relish and intelligence. For example, when the KGI group creates an amateur ensemble in its productions in Mülheim that unites people with different backgrounds and abilities; or when productions are presented with surtitles in several languages. With this substantial work, which is artistically highly advanced and thus enables access for a heterogeneous audience, the Ringlokschuppen is a productive disruptor and an irreplaceable space in Mülheim’s urban society. It is a venue that works locally and at the same time has an international network and has transformed itself again since 2015 in terms of intercultural openness based on this dual self-image. The Ringlokschuppen Ruhr is thus a model of a future theater in the post-industrial Ruhr region and far beyond.” –  Jury statement