Theaterpreis des Bundes 2021
Jury statement
“The Salzlandtheater in Staßfurt, Saxony-Anhalt, is the first INTHEGA theater to receive the Theaterpreis des Bundes. The theater sees its task as promoting regional culture and at the same time drawing attention to Staßfurt through renowned artists and ensembles. The committed team’s declared aim is to counter the challenges facing the region – emigration, unemployment, structural weakness – with cultural means. In addition to performing, the Salzlandtheater is an intergenerational educational center. Projects are carried out in the form of inclusive theater groups, concerts and performances for daycare centers and schools as well as early cultural education, project work with the disabled and offers for senior citizens. In 2016, the Salzlandtheater founded its own dance school. The theater has been a recognized provider of public youth welfare services since 2008. Under the direction of Stefan Czuratis, the dance department was re-established at the Salzlandtheater. As one of the stages included in the TANZLAND program of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes, there is a close cooperation with the Theater Koblenz ballet. The program of this guest performance venue is characterized by a wide variety of genres: Drama, puppet theater, cabaret, comedy, concerts, dance and musicals can be found in the repertoire. During the pandemic, solidarity with artists was a matter of course for the Salzlandtheater team. Not only were cancellation fees paid, but the theater also developed into an advisory body with regard to funding opportunities.” – Jury statement