THAETER: Eine Spurensicherung

The podcast on the Theaterpreis des Bundes (in German only)

Innovative theaters break with traditions and unwritten laws, take risks, take liberties and encourage others to do the same. What traces do they leave behind? For eight episodes, Laura Tontsch and Caspar Weimann go on a search for clues and show escape routes into the future of theater.

In eight episodes, the hosts focus on the theaters that have been awarded the Theaterpreis des Bundes in the last two years. The highlight: while one of the hosts delves deep into the work of each theater and conducts in-depth interviews, the other encounters the award-winning theaters with a fresh perspective and only knows the name of the institution that is the focus of the respective episode.

The first episode of “Thaeter – Eine Spurensicherung” will be released on October 31 and will focus on the winners in the “City Theatres and State Theatres” category: Theaterhaus Jena and Hessisches Landestheater Marburg. After that, two new episodes will be published every two weeks.

The podcast is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Pocket Casts – and everywhere else where podcasts are available. Subscribe now and never miss an episode.